Oct 28, 2010

2010 Cardiac Care Guidelines

Well, it is once again time for a new set of guidelines for basic and advanced cardiac care to be produced. This includes basic life suport, ACLS, PALS and NRP.
The changes have been fairly aggressive and directed at bettering well aimed basic life support. The advance life support guidelines have seen more of a schematic remodeling rather than intervention based changes. Rather than a top down approach, it seems to be circular in nature. Think, Act, Evaluate!

Our friend Dr Scott Weingart will discuss some of the changes with us here.



Podcast Notes


Scott talks about his podcast on intra arrest management in the above podcast, here it is for your reference.

Intra-Arrest Management Podcast


ABC is Now CAB

Here is the new way that CPR is done. As a health care professional, a pulse check is reqired before starting compressions.

C irculation

A irway

B reathing

We will be updating our clinical guidelines to reflect the changes. The role out will be April 1, 2011. Several folks from the primary and advanced care cadres will be steering the changes, along with clinical operations and the medical director.